Aims and objectives
Santé Care at Home aims to deliver personal care and associated domestic care to clients in their home environment, to a standard of excellence which embraces the fundamental principles of good care practice. We aim to provide a service of the highest quality, to improve and sustain your overall quality of life.
It is the aim of Santé Care at Home to provide a flexible live-in care service, responsive to your needs.
Legal status | Santé Care at Home is a Limited Company registered with Companies House (Registration number 08672113) |
Santé Care at Home Limited - Registered address | Frogs Meadow, Milton Combe, Devon PL20 6HL |
Provider telephone number | 0203 432 3315 |
Nominated individual with the industry regulator | Mrs Ann Sayers |
Nominated individual qualification and experience |
RGN - 37 years Diploma in Management Studies 18 year’s experience in the management of a Care Home with nursing |
Industry regulator |
Care Quality Commission Address: Email: enquiries@cqc.org.uk Web: www.cqc.org.uk |
Philosophy of Care

Santé Care at Home’s Philosophy of Care is to promote and reflect the values that focus upon you. We place your rights at the forefront of our philosophy of care. We seek to advance these rights in all aspects of the environment and the services we provide and to encourage you to exercise your rights to the full. Santé Care at Home believes the best person to plan his or her future is you. We will therefore help you to make your own plans and decisions regarding your life.
To ensure that our clients receive the highest levels of professional and personal care possible.
We aim to achieve this by:
- Placing our values of trust, dignity and respect at the centre of everything we do
- Putting people first
- Employing highly qualified staff
- Training all of our staff
- Using best practice principles at all times
- Adhering to and exceeding all industry standards
- Quality in all things
- We are a family
- We listen
- We are pro-active and reactive
- We exceed expectations
- We are dignified
- Highly versatile
- We are trusted
To ensure the highest quality of health and personal care we will:
- Respect your intrinsic worth, dignity and individuality.
- Respect and observe your privacy and confidentiality in all aspects of your health, personal care and personal life at all times by:
- Safeguarding your confidentiality by exercise sensitivity and integrity in their handling of confidences and confidential information both written and verbal.
- Not divulging a confidence unless it is judged that you are at risk of harm or exploitation i.e. your well-being needs to be safeguarded.
- Maintaining your privacy from unnecessary intrusion, including allowing you privacy when using the telephone, opening and reading mail and when visitors are present.
- Providing you with support in intimate situations as discreetly as possible.
- Respect and observe your dignity in all aspects of your health, personal care and personal life at all times by:
- Treating you as a special and valued individual.
- Compensating for the effects of any disabilities which you may experience in relation to your wellbeing.
- Being mindful of the perceptions in society of differences to your communication, physical functioning, mobility or personal appearance and stigmas or stereotypes that exist regarding disfigurements or disabilities and not tolerating any detrimental comments or practices which affect your dignity or choices.
- Respect and observe your independence in all aspects of your health, personal care and personal life at all times by:
- Encouraging independence and viewing our role as that of assisting you with aspects of daily living you are finding difficult to do for yourself.
- Helping you to exercise independent choice and control over your daily life, occupational activities, lifestyle and the maintenance of independence, including the assumption of the risks and responsibilities associated with your citizenship.
- Aiming to provide a lifestyle for you that fulfils personal aspirations and abilities in all aspects of your daily life, including your social, cultural, religious and recreational interests and needs.
- Assessing relevant risks to ensure that a proper balance can be found between your right to independence and our statutory responsibilities in delivering appropriate levels of safe care and support.
The realisation of these principles together with the level of help and support required achieving your individual goals, will be a unique process for you. However, these principles remain constant and provide a foundation for the provision of care to all, regardless of personal circumstances.
- Support around the home: cleaning, changing bed linen and towels, laundry and ironing, shopping for weekly groceries, help with meal preparation and managing bill payments.
- Personal care: Dressing and undressing, washing and bathing, shaving, assistance with hair and makeup, nail care, continence care and support with prescribed medication.
- Companionship: Conversation, encouraging contact with family and friends, help with reading and keeping up correspondence, accompanying on holidays, day trips or short breaks.
- Fulfilling lives: Encouraging and supporting hobbies and interests at home or in the local community, encouraging exercise, accompanying people on visits (including day centres or other community day activities), and accompanying people on doctor’s appointments.
Qualifications of our Care Team

Our care staff are all required to have undertaken the following training as a minimum:
Induction Programme covering the 8 Common Induction Standards
Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults
Health & Safety and Fire Safety
Moving and Handling
Supporting People with Medication
Emergency First Aid Awareness
Infection Prevention
Food Hygiene
Dementia Awareness
Training will be updated in-line with the Skills for Care guidelines.
All Care Workers will have a personal development plan drawn up which will include training updates.
All Care Workers are actively encouraged undertake an QCF level 2 in Care and are automatically enlisted onto our rolling programmes.
Our induction programme incorporates shadowing with an experienced member of the team, which allows the new Care Worker to put training into practice with support and advise on hand.
Specialist training will be provided to Care Workers as appropriate to their client’s needs; this will be identified through training needs analysis and supervision.

Santé Care at Home retains a complete record of all qualifications, credentials and experience gained for each staff member whether part-time or full-time. These records may be found in their staff files and computer records. These files are of limited access for reasons of confidentially and security. We comply fully with the Caldicott Principles developed as set of six general principles for the safe handling of personal- identifiable information in the healthcare industry.
We are also registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office, the UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals. Because we hold and process information about clients and employees we are legally obliged to protect that information. In particular, under the Data Protection Act, we must:
Only collect information that we need for a specific purpose;
Keep it secure;
Ensure it is relevant and up to date;
Only hold as much as we need, and only for as long as we need it; and
Allow the subject of the information to see it on request.
Access to records of any client or person in our employ is restricted and subject to strict data protection regulations. We have policies and procedures in place to safeguard access to confidential records. Care plans will only contain information that you have approved and would only be left in your home with you consent.
Good information handling is essential to ensure client and employee confidence.
How are services arranged?
Possible withdrawal of the Service
Very occasionally it becomes necessary for the company to withdraw a service. Such action would normally only take place because of a serious health and safety risk or unacceptable behaviour being displayed by the Client; very exceptionally, when the services we are able to provide is insufficient to meet the needs of the Client. Persistent non-payment of invoices (if self-funding) may also incur withdrawal of services.
Given the sensitive nature of, and care implications surrounding a withdrawal of service, this action will only be taken after full consultation with, and notice to the Client, family and/or their representatives and any relevant professional involved with their care.