Useful Sites
Age UK
Age UK publishes information sheets on the subject of homes and housing for the elderly. Also, your local group, whose number should be in the phone directory, should be able to provide information about homes in your area.
FirstStop Advice
FirstStop Advice is an independent, free telephone service offering advice and information to older people, their families and carers about housing and care options for later life.
Independent Age
Independent Age is an advice and information service providing expertise on social care, benefits, befriending and other social support and has a range of guides and publications.
Find Me Good Care
Find Me Good Care is developed and managed by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), an independent charity working to initiate improvement and innovation in social care.
UK Homecare Association (UKHCA)
UK Homecare Association (UKHCA) for information and advice about home care services and to find local providers in your area.
Elderly Care
Elderly Care is a free-to-use website created by the consumer group, Which?, to provide independent information on all aspects of care for older people.
The Relatives & Residents Association
The Relatives & Residents Association is an independent charity that exists for older people needing or living in residential care, and the families and friends left behind.